Assuming that you have documented below mentioned details from Old vCenter Install
1) vCenter and Update Manager Database user passwords
2) RSA_User and RSA_Admin passwords
3) SSO Master Password
If all services are started, reboot vCenter so that all the services are restarted once fresh.
Disable Agent jobs and Databases on old server, you can probably keep them for a couple of days and then to a cleanup.
Assuming that you have documented below mentioned details from Old vCenter Install
1) Vcenter and Update Manager Database user passwords
2) RSA_User and RSA_Admin passwords
3) SSO Master Password
Stage1) - Move Databases
Stop vCenter Single Sign On, VMware vCenter Inventory Service, VMware VirtualCenter Server, VMware VirtualCenter Management Webservices, VMware vSphere Update Manager Service and VMware vSphere Web Client.
Backup Vcenter, Update Manager and RSA Databases and restore in new DB server.
Create Vcenter, Update Manager and RSA User and RSA DBA Users with Same passwords on new DB server.
Assign Same permissions for users
Stage2) - Recreate Agent Jobs
Open the below location
vCenter Server 4.x: C:\Program Files\VMware\Infrastructure\VirtualCenter Server\sql
vCenter Server 5.x: C:\Program Files\VMware\Infrastructure\VirtualCenter Server\sql
Copy below mentioned files to a new folder
Open job_schedule1_mssql.sql using notepad and copy script
On the new SQL server, open Vcenter Server Database and Open New Queiry and execute the copied script
NOTE: Please double check and make sure that you have VCenter server database selected in the Database list and not Master.
Repete the same for all the scripts.
After all three jobs are created, navigate to SQL Server Agent and Refresh to see new Jobs created.
Right-click Past Day stats rollup, click Properties. Ensure the owner of the job is the same database login used by VirtualCenter to connect to the database.
Repete the same for Past Month stats rollup and Past Week stats rollup.
Stage3) - Repointing SSO Service to the new SQL server
Open SSO Install DIR. By default it is C:\Program Files\VMware\Infrastructure\SSOServer and Navigate to \utils
Open a command prompt as administrator
CD C:\Program Files\VMware\Infrastructure\SSOServer\utils
ssocli configure-riat -a configure-db --database-host <NEW_DBServer_NAME/IP> --database-port <New_DBServer_Port> -m <SSOServerMasterPassword>
Executing action: 'configure-db'
Updating Database configuration
Generating HA node package
Successfully executed action: 'configure-db'
Open C:\Program Files\VMware\Infrastructure\SSOServer\webapps\lookupservice\WEB-INF\classes
Open config file with NotePad
Check port number in the URL and DB Server Name at the last line.
Save the file and exit
Try to start SSO Service.
Stage4) - Repointing vCenter Server to new DB Server
Start > Run and "Odbcad32.exe"
Under System DSN, Change DB Server settings and Save it.
Start VMware VirtualCenter Server
Stage5) - Repointing Update Manager Service to the new SQL server
Start > Run and "%systemdrive%\Windows\SysWoW64\Odbcad32.exe"
Under System DSN, Change DB Server settings and Save it.
Start VMware vSphere Update Manager
If all services are started, reboot vCenter so that all the services are restared once fresh.